FLEXING and Proud is one way to describe Mr. Thornton. Congratulations to our resident artist Mr. Thornton who partnered with Cornbelt Electric to earn a grant for IPADS and IPENCILS for increased Digital Art opportunities for RAS students.
11 months ago, Bryan Kendall
Hulking Up
Mr. Baez’s PM homeroom was joined by Mr. Kendall in the garage this afternoon learning about vehicle safety, DOT approved lighting, and replaced factory brake lights with a safer LED unit.
11 months ago, Bryan Kendall
new brake lights
many hands make for light work
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. McLean County Children's Advocacy Center is sponsoring activities all month long to support Child Abuse Prevention.
11 months ago, Michele Jenkins
If you are homeless or precariously housed with no permanent residence of your own, living with friends and/or family, in a hotel/motel, in a shelter or on the streets, please attend registration day to access Housing Navigation Services. The Navigator will work with all local agencies to aid you with accessing resources so you can obtain safe & affordable housing for you &/or your family. For more information please visit www.mccainc.org
11 months ago, Michele Jenkins
Bloomington Housing Authority & Family Community Resource Center will host a Job & Community Resource Fair on Thursday, April 18, 2024 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Eastview Christian Church Community Center (602 S. Main Street, Bloomington).
11 months ago, Michele Jenkins
BHS Job Fair
Free NARCAN Community Training Join us for a FREE Narcan®/Naloxone Community Training on Thursday, March 14 at 5 p.m. at Chestnut Family Health Center, 702 W. Chestnut Street, Bloomington, IL. Participants will learn about the opioid epidemic and why and how to administer nasal Narcan®/Naloxone. Free resources will also be available, including Narcan®/naloxone, fentanyl test kits, prescription drug deactivation bags, and more. Registration is preferred but not required. For more information, please contact us at 618-512-1781 or SR-Narcan@chestnut.org.
12 months ago, Sarah Walters
Due to a widespread power outage throughout Bloomington, RAS Bloomington campus will facilitate remote instructions for students today. Please have your student work through their Google Classroom or Edmentum platforms. If you are having issues, please contact your homeroom teacher for assistance.
12 months ago, Bryan Kendall
The Career Readiness program has been putting geometry knowledge into practical use this week. Students have designed and constructed a new bench for the RAS Community Garden plot!
about 1 year ago, Brian Okraski
A HUGE thank you to the US Navy for an amazing visit to Regional Alternative School in Bloomington! Students enjoyed learning about the opportunities and benefits the Navy has to offer available after graduation.
about 1 year ago, Brian Okraski
We had a great day hosting the Bloomington Normal Barber College at RAS! Cassius and his students spoke with our students about the process of becoming a licensed barber. Cassius advised RAS students to follow their passion so their chosen career path does not feel like work and they get to do something they truly enjoy every day. We appreciate you all taking the time to come in and speak with our students AND for providing free cuts! 💈💇🏾‍♂️💇🏻‍♂️💇🏼‍♂️💈
about 1 year ago, Kara Quick
BNBC and RAS student
BNBC and RAS student
BNBC and RAS student
BNBC and RAS student
BNBC and RAS student
BNBC and RAS student
BNBC and RAS student
We had a great day hosting the Bloomington Normal Barber College at RAS! Cassius and his students spoke with our students about the process of becoming a licensed barber. Cassius advised RAS students to follow their passion so their chosen career path does not feel like work and they get to do something they truly enjoy every day. We appreciate you all taking the time to come in and speak with our students AND for providing free cuts! 💈💇🏾‍♂️💇🏻‍♂️💇🏼‍♂️💈
about 1 year ago, Kara Quick
BNBC and RAS student
BNBC and RAS student
BNBC and RAS student
BNBC and RAS student
BNBC and RAS student
BNBC and RAS student
BNBC and RAS student
Exciting news – MCCA now has two new HUD-Certified Housing Counselors! They're here to help McLean and Livingston County residents with everything housing – from budgeting and homeownership to preventing foreclosures and navigating rentals. Did you know that we're the ONLY agency in McLean and Livingston Counties with these certified pros, making MCCA your go-to for top-notch housing advice and support. Ready to make your housing journey smoother? Learn more on our Homeownership Services page. See our Workshops page for more information and upcoming dates or call 309-834-9242.
about 1 year ago, Sarah Walters
Mid Central Community Action
Due to inclement weather, RAS Bloomington Campus will facilitate Remote Learning with students on Monday, January 22nd. Please check your email and Google Classroom for LIVE check in times with staff.
about 1 year ago, Ron Folkens
Remote Learning today
8-Week Support Groups February 8, One Hope Project will begin their 8-week adult support groups. Topics include but are not limited to positive self talk, intuitive eating, coping skills, body acceptance, navigating relapse & other challenges. Our teen support groups are to be determined depending on sign ups. Dates: February 8 - March 28 Location: 2422 E. Washington St. Suite 204 Bloomington, IL 61704 Contact: Sierra, counselor@onehopeproject.org
about 1 year ago, Michele Jenkins
One Hope Project
Due to inclement weather, RAS Bloomington Campus will facilitate Remote Learning with students on Tuesday, January 16th. Please check your email and Google Classroom for LIVE check in times with staff.
about 1 year ago, Bryan Kendall
Remote Jan 16
Birthright of Bloomington has a monthly Distribution Day for the general public on the first Saturday of each month. Diapers, wipes and baby clothes (0-24 months) are distributed from 10 a.m. to noon. 2024 distribution days: 1/6, 2/3, 3/2, 4/6, 5/4, 6/1, 7/6, 8/3, 9/7, 10/5, 11/2, 12/7. 505 N. Center Street, Ste. 1, Bloomington, IL
about 1 year ago, Sarah Walters
🎓🥳⭐️ RAS provided services to 1️⃣1️⃣ December graduates this semester! Some graduates were with us for a few months, some for a few semesters, some for a few years, and one was with us since their middle school days! We are proud and hopeful for these students to go on and find success, however that looks for them! Congratulations!
about 1 year ago, Kara Quick
brooks graduate handprint
Reece graduate with staff
Lipscomb graduate with staff
lipscomb graduate handprint
young graduate handprint
Mendoza graduate handprint
Hawthorne graduate osha certificate
Logan graduate osha certificate
Eastern Illinois Foodbank Announces “Foodmobile” Food Giveaway in Normal & McLean County Contact: Sophie Becker, Eastern Illinois Foodbank, 217-328-3663 Normal, IL – Eastern Illinois Foodbank (EIF) is distributing food to area families facing food insecurity. The distribution will be held at Normal Community West High School (501 N. Parkside Rd) in Normal, Illinois on 12/16/2023 from 9:30 – 10:30 AM and is open to residents of McLean County. Those attending are asked to bring boxes or bags to transport food. When: 12/16/2023 from 9:30 – 10:30 AM Where: Normal Community West High School, 501 N. Parkside Rd, Normal, IL
about 1 year ago, Michele Jenkins
RAS students had the opportunity to help a community neighbor this week. Thursday was a perfect afternoon to help St. Mary's with landscaping and learn valuable skills. Two of our students had the opportunity to help back in the spring and were thrilled to go back and help this week!
about 1 year ago, Kara Quick
RAS students at St Mary’s with rakes
RAS students at St Mary’s with Catherine
RAS students at St Mary’s cleaning up
RAS students at St Mary’s cleaning up
Parents Care & Share offers free parent support groups to anyone in a parenting role. Groups bring parents together to learn, listen, understand, and encourage one another as they navigate the challenges of parenting. Groups are also a great place for parents to hear about other resources and services available in the community. The Butterfly Project: For Caregivers parenting children who have been exposed to Domestic Violence (agarcia@brightpoint.org). Kids Turn Parents & Divorce: An ongoing class for families going through divorce or separation. Contact Bethany McCormick (bmccormick@childrenshomeandaid.org) Hyped Up: Helping Parents handle stress and daily pressures in a welcoming environment. Contact Bethany McCormick (bmccormick@childrenshomeandaid.org) S.O.S. (Strike Out Stress): For parents to discuss parent-related stress and learn how to manage the everyday pressures of parenthood. Conducted in Spanish. Contact Silvia Aguilar Huerta (saguilar@childrenshomeandaid.org) Pregnancy and Beyond: A prenatal group for pregnant and new mothers. Contact Jasmine Martin (jmartin@childrenshomeandaid.org) R.O.C.K. (Raising Our Children's Kids): For grandparents and other relatives raising the kids or relatives. Contact Dorothy Davis (ddavis@childrenshomeandaid.org) Dads Uplifting Dads: A group to give Dads a safe place to meet and learn from other Dads. Contact David Lewis (dlewis@childrenshomeandaid.org) Black Moms Together: A group where moms can build connections and work through the layers of motherhood together. Contact Kiowna Brown (ctcdeepimpact@gmail.com) Questions? Please email Dorothy Davis at ddavis@childrenshomeandaid.org.
over 1 year ago, Sarah Walters